Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wrestlin Wally's Wide World of Women's Wrestling

Okay, Now I'm gonna take a minute off doing entries on female wrestlers and do something I rarely do.
Gush about another site.
I have run into Wrestlin Wally's work now and then on the web, and I was delighted to see that he has his own wrestling website.
Its called Wrestlin Wally's Wide World of Women's Wrestling.
If you like really good, close up candid shots of the ladies of Indy wrestling, you really need to check him out.
We're not talking long distance fuzzy pics you can barely make out here.
This is really good, great even, close up pics and action shots.
Wally really needs to think about a "coffee table book" kinda like what Theo Ehret did.
Wally's work is not only good, but it captures the look and feel of these beautiful ladies plying their trade.
And no Wally's not paying me to write this...LOL.
But if you wanna read up to date info and see the latest pics of these beautiful ladies of wrestling, head over to his site.
And just think how much better the WWE Diva's section or TNA's Knockouts would look with Wally doing the pics.
So head on over to and look around.
You won't be disappointed.

technorati tags: wrestling matches, wrestling information, wrestling website, wrestling blogs, wrestling promotions


Anonymous said...

You done great to post ladies wrestling post, Wally's wide world information is really interesting and you link for gallery is also the best....
Wakeskating Equipment

Dangerfan said...

Hey, Sabre, thanks very much for your glowing review of my site! I really enjoy taking the pictures and I even more glad that other people enjoy them too. Thanks again!

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