Saturday, December 7, 2013

Female Wrestling - Reggie Bennett Before Wrestling

One of the fan favorites here is female pro wrestler Reggie Bennett.
But you know before Reggie got into wrestling, she was into bodybuilding.

She bulked up quite a bit for her wrestling career as you need to.
You need some cushion taking those constant bumps.
Of course back then they actually wrestled.

But as you can see from these pictures, when Reggie wanted to, she could be VERY sleek and muscular.
Reggie was born in 1961 (five days before me actually), made her pro wrestling debut in 1986 and retired from active wrestling in 2001.
But when Reggie went out, she went out with a bang.
Her retirement match was against one of the greatest wrestlers (male or female) of all time, Manami Toyota.

When Reggie was wrestling she held the All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling All Pacific Championship, the IWA World Women's Championship and the Independent Wrestling Federation (IWF) Women's Championship three times.

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