Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The End Of Womens Pro Wrestling....Sort Of

Well after having this blog up and running since January of 2007, Adsense suddenly decided today that the blog is not worthy anymore.
Yeah I didn't make a ton of money off this blog, but it's the principle you know?
Six years everything is fine then "POW!" one day you suck.
I have a lot of followers here and I dont want to make this blog go away so what I will be doing is moving the most popular posts to another venue.
So if you click a link and see that the post is gone and it directs you somewhere else, that's where the post has found a home, far from Adsense and Google.
Needless to say I will not be making any new posts here and all of my efforts will be directed towards this new project.
I want to thank everyone here for their support and coming by over the years.


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