Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Still Miss Lita

After all this time I still miss Lita.
The music would hit and she'd go running out to the hair whipping around, tattoos, thong....
She was pretty much the closest thing the WWE had to an "Anti-Diva".

Former WWE Diva Lita

Lita was hot, unique and she could actually wrestle!
And she had no problem taking the big risks or the big bumps.
Heck, she even had WWE Hardcore matches to defend the WWF/WWE Women's Championship when she held it.
Now that's not to say that Lita couldn't go out and tear up a bikini shoot just like the other Divas...because she could. 

And I get to put Lita on this blog instead of my Wrestling Redux blog because she has been doing some work in the Indys, mainly with
United Wrestling Federation (UWF) and Family Wrestling Entertainment (FWE).
And of course she still shows up occasionally in the WWE.

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