Sherri Martel appeared in WCW in 1994 under the name Sensuous Sherri. She appeared at Slamboree scouting potential new clients in May 1994. She announced that she would manage who she felt was WCW's top star.
At Clash of the Champions XXVII, just as the match between Ric Flair and Sting got underway, Martel approached the ring wearing face paint identical to Sting's. Indeed, she was cheering for him to defeat Flair. Late in the match, Sting attempted to dive over the ropes onto Flair, but The Nature Boy yanked Martel into his path. Sting spent the rest of the match totally distracted and concerned for her, giving Flair the chance he needed to grab Sting's tights for an illegal pinfall and become the WCW Wrestling Champion. Martel then entered the ring to embrace Flair. The new couple attacked Sting until Hulk Hogan ran them off. She helped Flair in feuds against both Sting and Hulk Hogan.
After Flair lost a retirement match to Hogan, there were rumors that Martel was going to be paired with Steve Austin, but Austin was soon injured and on his way out of WCW at the time (Martel had previously managed Flair and Austin in tag team matches , and during this time, she was also scheduled to manage Austin and Shane Douglas in a tag team match in ECW, but Austin was replaced by " Flying"Brian Pillman due to his knee injury ). Behind the scenes, Kevin Sullivan wanted her to be the manager of Ron Simmons. However, this was during the time of the Nicole Brown and O. J. Simpson investigation, so they thought that might be pushing it a little. Instead, Martel began managing Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) using the name Sister Sherri (an irony that she discussed during her 2006 WWE Hall of Fame induction speech) .
In late 1994 (while still managing Harlem Heat in WCW), Martel made a return appearance in ECW managing Shane Douglas and Brian Pillman (substituting for an injured Steve Austin) against Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio. It was soon evident that Martel only returned to ECW to humiliate her former protege on behalf of Ric Flair. Late in the match, Douglas tried to pin Scorpio but Martel grabbed Scorpio’s foot and placed it on the rope to break up the count (which Douglas didn't notice). Then Martel went to the top rope and came off with a double axe handle on Douglas. Simmons and Scorpio won after Simmons pinned Pillman. Martel was on the outside showing no remorse for accidentally hitting Douglas. Pillman then went outside and tossed her back in the ring by her hair. Douglas pointed to her chest after Pillman ripped off her jacket and she had a picture of Ric Flair taped to her dress. Douglas ripped the picture off and tore it up, then gave Martel a piledriver for revenge.
At Clash of the Champions XXVII, just as the match between Ric Flair and Sting got underway, Martel approached the ring wearing face paint identical to Sting's. Indeed, she was cheering for him to defeat Flair. Late in the match, Sting attempted to dive over the ropes onto Flair, but The Nature Boy yanked Martel into his path. Sting spent the rest of the match totally distracted and concerned for her, giving Flair the chance he needed to grab Sting's tights for an illegal pinfall and become the WCW Wrestling Champion. Martel then entered the ring to embrace Flair. The new couple attacked Sting until Hulk Hogan ran them off. She helped Flair in feuds against both Sting and Hulk Hogan.
After Flair lost a retirement match to Hogan, there were rumors that Martel was going to be paired with Steve Austin, but Austin was soon injured and on his way out of WCW at the time (Martel had previously managed Flair and Austin in tag team matches , and during this time, she was also scheduled to manage Austin and Shane Douglas in a tag team match in ECW, but Austin was replaced by " Flying"Brian Pillman due to his knee injury ). Behind the scenes, Kevin Sullivan wanted her to be the manager of Ron Simmons. However, this was during the time of the Nicole Brown and O. J. Simpson investigation, so they thought that might be pushing it a little. Instead, Martel began managing Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) using the name Sister Sherri (an irony that she discussed during her 2006 WWE Hall of Fame induction speech) .
In late 1994 (while still managing Harlem Heat in WCW), Martel made a return appearance in ECW managing Shane Douglas and Brian Pillman (substituting for an injured Steve Austin) against Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio. It was soon evident that Martel only returned to ECW to humiliate her former protege on behalf of Ric Flair. Late in the match, Douglas tried to pin Scorpio but Martel grabbed Scorpio’s foot and placed it on the rope to break up the count (which Douglas didn't notice). Then Martel went to the top rope and came off with a double axe handle on Douglas. Simmons and Scorpio won after Simmons pinned Pillman. Martel was on the outside showing no remorse for accidentally hitting Douglas. Pillman then went outside and tossed her back in the ring by her hair. Douglas pointed to her chest after Pillman ripped off her jacket and she had a picture of Ric Flair taped to her dress. Douglas ripped the picture off and tore it up, then gave Martel a piledriver for revenge.
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