Friday, February 2, 2007

Amy Action - Female Wrestling

female wrestling

Wrestler: Amy Action
Birthday: September ?, 19??
Hometown: Canberra, Australia
Marital Status: Attached
Height & Weight: 5'5" - 132lbs
Trained by: George Julio (in Melbourne),Billy Condolian (in Sydney),Andy Harpas (in Sydney)
Debut: June 14, 1995
Previous Gimmicks: Kombat Karl -masked-
Finishing Move: The Arch Enemy(Bridging overhead double chicken wing),Cattle Mutilation Variation
Favorite Moves: Elevated Inverted Full Nelson Chin Lock, The Crocodile Roll, The Croc Rock Spinning sidewalk slam, Top rope missile drop kick
Spin heel kick
Notable Feuds: Thunderstorm
Amy Action was one of the first women to wrestle in the Men's Division in Australia, by disguising her face to the public with a mask..
In Australia it was against regulation for such an event to happen.

Amy has a HUGE website:

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