Monday, September 8, 2008

Terri Poch - WWF Diva, Part 2

On the December 16 edition of WWE RAW , Tori complained to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon about Kane, by now feuding with his former tag team partner X-Pac (an ally of Triple H), being placed in a Handicap match. Stephanie retorted by challenging Tori to a match that night, which she accepted. However, Stephanie replaced herself with X-Pac, who defeated Tori with ease as Kane was ambushed backstage by the Mean Street Posse. Kane received a shot at the WWF Championship on December 20 but with the stipulation that, if he lost to incumbent Big Show, Tori would have to spend the Christmas weekend with X-Pac. Kane lost after the New Age Outlaws distracted him. However, Tori insisted upon her return that X-Pac had been a perfect gentleman.

Terri Poch - WWF Diva

Around the same time, Tori began to become paranoid, and grew hysterical after Test hugged her. Kane promptly destroyed Test in the ring, believing Tori's claims that he had harassed her. Other wrestlers began to exploit Tori's neuroticism, using it to unleash Kane on their enemies. This included Mankind, who manipulated the duo into attacking a fake-Mankind hired by Triple H.

Kane continued to feud with X-Pac, and on January 27 he was ambushed in the ring by the McMahon-Helmsley Faction (X-Pac's allies). After tying Kane up, X-Pac revealed that Tori was now with him. Tori turned heel, joining the faction and accompanying X-Pac and his partner Road Dogg to the ring. She helped X-Pac defeat Kane at No Way Out, but he was beaten by Kane in their last match at WrestleMania 2000. Tori continued to help X-Pac and Road Dogg, as well as helping Stephanie McMahon retain the Women's Championship in a match with Lita. The faction began feuding with the Dudley Boyz, and Tori used a Flying Splash to drive Bubba Ray Dudley through a table on June 12. Bubba Ray gained revenge at King of the Ring, where he powerbombed Tori through a table.

Poch was sidelined with a torn labrum on June 24. She underwent surgery with Dr. James Andrews. On October 30, Tori returned for one night, confronting and slapping X-Pac for failing to protect her.

Poch returned in January 2001 as The Black Ninja, a masked, anonymous figure wearing a black bodysuit who helped Raven retain the Hardcore Championship, attacking his opponents and acting as a getaway driver. Raven's Hardcore title feud with Crash Holly, led to a feud between The Ninja and Crash's onscreen cousin Molly Holly. Holly finally unmasked the ninja on the March 11 episode of Sunday Night HEAT, revealing her to be Tori. Subsequently, Poch was removed from television.

After working as a trainer on WWF Tough Enough throughout the summer of 2001, Poch was released by the WWF in September 2001. At the time, she made accusations about Scott Levy, claiming he had verbally abused her. WWF road agent Gerald Brisco and Executive Vice President of Talent Relations Jim Ross claimed, however, that these allegations were not true.

She subsequently retired from wrestling to concentrate on her career as a yogini.
Hmmmm...Trish opened a Yoga Studio when she quit.....

Terri Poch - WWF Diva

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