Tuesday, April 3, 2007

WCW: Jeannie Clark aka Lady Blossom, Part 2

For a string of weeks in October 1991, both Blossom and Austin did an angle involving a pair of brass knuckles. During Austin's wrestling matches, Lady Blossom would pull out of a pair of brass knuckles that was underhandedly hidden underneath her substantial cleavage and tucked inside one of the cups of her brassiere. When the referee's attention was drawn elsewhere, she would pull the brass knuckles out of her bra and hand the weapon over to Austin so that he could use them on his opponent. Unbeknownst to the official, Austin would strike his opponent with the knuckles and then quickly hand them back over to Blossom. Lady Blossom would then cleverly conceal the brass knuckles inside of her bra again and behave as if nothing ever happened. Austin would then pin his unconscious opponent for the victory.

WCW:  Jeannie Clark aka Lady Blossom

The couple's shenanigans worked for a few weeks, but they were caught within due time. At the conclusion of a match between Steve Austin and PN News on WCW Saturday Night, Lady Blossom helped Austin cheat to win yet again. After the match, an enraged Dustin Rhodes came down to ringside to explain to the referee that Austin had cheated in his match by striking his opponent with a pair of brass knuckles and that the weapon was hidden inside of Lady Blossom's dress. Both Blossom and Austin egged Rhodes on to prove to the referee that they had cheated in the match, but he reluctantly refused to place his hand down her dress knowing the potential sexual harassment issues his action would cause. Moments later, Madusa arrived on to the scene to confront the perpetrators and attempt to verify Rhodes' claims. Madusa then did what Rhodes was much too uncomfortable to do by literally taking matters into her own hands and sticking her hand inside of Blossom's dress. Not so coincidentally, Lady Blossom was wearing a strapless black gown and thus she was braless on this rare occasion. Due to Blossom's braless nature, Madusa was quickly able to pull the concealed weapon out of Blossom's dress and show off her discovery to the crowd. Considering that the referee now had visible evidence that Austin did in fact cheat to win the match, he reversed his decision in favor of News. Both Blossom and Austin could only look on in disbelief due to the events that had just transpired.

Blossom made her final WCW (and wrestling) appearance on November 19, 1991 at Clash of the Champions XVII. Blossom's services were no longer required because Austin was joining Paul E. Dangerously's Dangerous Alliance and thus he didn't need her as a manager anymore. Clark has not appeared in a wrestling ring since that night.

Jeannie Clarke divorced from Steve Austin in 1999 prior to WrestleMania XV. She has two daughters with Williams; Stephanie, born in 1992, and Cassidy, born in 1998. She currently lives in her native England with them. She also has another daughter with Chris Adams; Jade, born around 1980, who splits her time between Colorado and England. Jeannie did not have any children with Billy Jack Haynes. Jeannie was very close to Chris, and kept in regular contact with him until his death in 2001. Both Jeannie and Jade are part-time contributors to Chris Adams' official website (www.thesuperkick.net). Karen Adams, Chris' widow is also a contributor to Chris Adams' official website as well; maintained by Phillip C Hayes.

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